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unravel to undo (something knitted or woven); reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart. [3 definitions]
unreasonable not acting or behaving as reason would suggest; not governed by good judgment or sound thinking, esp. in relation to others. [2 definitions]
unreliable not able to be relied on.
unrest a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, or turmoil, esp. social or political.
unruly not submitting readily to rule or restriction; difficult or impossible to control; wild.
unsatisfactory not of a high enough quality to meet a certain standard or to fulfill a certain need or desire.
unseen not seen, observed, or discovered; invisible; unnoticed. [2 definitions]
unsettled not firmly situated in one place. [6 definitions]
unsightly unpleasant or disagreeable to look at; unattractive; ugly.
unstable likely to change suddenly; fluctuating. [5 definitions]
unsteady not stable or secure; not firm. [4 definitions]
unsuitable not appropriate or fitting; unbecoming.
unsure uncertain; having doubt; lacking confidence. [2 definitions]
untangle to free from a tangled or snarled condition; disentangle. [2 definitions]
untie to free from being tied or bound. [4 definitions]
until up to the time when. [5 definitions]
untrue factually inaccurate or incorrect; false. [3 definitions]
unusual not usual or ordinary; uncommon; remarkable.
unwell in poor health; sick; ill.
unwind to undo from a wound or twisted state; uncoil; untwist. [4 definitions]
up to, toward, at, or in a higher place or position. [34 definitions]