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update to provide (someone) with new or current information; bring up to date. [4 definitions]
up for grabs (informal) within the potential grasp of anyone; not secured by any one person.
upgrade an upward slope or incline. [4 definitions]
upheaval an act, instance, or condition of being raised or heaved upward, as a section of the earth's crust. [2 definitions]
uphill on an upward slope, or in an upward direction. [5 definitions]
uphold to support or affirm, esp. in the face of a challenge. [2 definitions]
upholstery materials such as springs, padding, and fabric that are used to cover couches, chairs, or the like. [2 definitions]
up in the air undecided, unsettled, or uncertain.
upland the elevated or higher parts of land in a region. [2 definitions]
upload to transfer (data, files, or programs) from one's own computer to another, often larger, computer or a network. [2 definitions]
upon on. [4 definitions]
up one's sleeve held secretly or in reserve.
upper higher in place, rank, position, or level. [6 definitions]
upper-case of printed letters, capital. [2 definitions]
uppermost highest in place, rank, influence, or importance. [2 definitions]
upright in a vertical position. [8 definitions]
uprising the act or an instance of rebelling or rising up against authority; insurrection.
uproar a loud, confused disturbance; commotion; tumult. [2 definitions]
uproot to pull up or tear out of the ground by the roots. [2 definitions]
upset to tip over; overturn. [13 definitions]
upside down with the part that is normally underneath on top; inverted. [2 definitions]