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v3 the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
VA1 abbreviation of "Virginia," a southern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Maryland and North Carolina.
vacant without contents or activity; unfilled; empty. [3 definitions]
vacation a period of rest, leisure, recreation, or travel, esp. away from one's regular occupation. [3 definitions]
vaccinate to inoculate with a vaccine to make immune to a particular disease.
vaccine a specimen of modified, killed, or avirulent viruses or bacteria, used to inoculate persons or animals in order to stimulate their immune systems to protect against virulent strains. [3 definitions]
vacuum a space empty of all matter. [5 definitions]
vacuum cleaner an electrical appliance that cleans floors, carpets, and the like by suction; vacuum sweeper.
vagina in most female mammals, the passage leading from the uterus to the external genital opening; birth canal. [3 definitions]
vague inexact, unclear, or indistinct in form or character. [3 definitions]
vain not leading to a desirable or lasting effect; futile; fruitless. [4 definitions]
valentine a greeting card, gift, or the like sent as a token of affection on Valentine's Day. [2 definitions]
Valentine's Day a holiday celebrated on February 14 of each year, observed mostly by the exchanging of tokens of affection or friendship; Saint Valentine's Day.
valid equitable; just. [4 definitions]
valley a long area of relatively low elevation, often having a stream bed at the bottom, surrounded by mountains or hills. [2 definitions]
valuable having great material or monetary worth; expensive. [3 definitions]
value an amount, esp. of money, considered to be equivalent to, or suitable exchange for, a thing or service. [8 definitions]
valve any device for controlling the flow of a fluid or gas, esp. a movable part that can close or constrict a passageway, such as a stopcock. [5 definitions]
vampire a legendary being, often said to be a revived corpse, that preys on people in order to suck out their blood. [3 definitions]
van2 a vehicle similar to a car but with a higher ceiling and with greater capacity behind the front seats for goods, equipment, or people. A van usually has a sliding door on one side and may or may not have windows in the rear.
vandal a person who purposely destroys, defaces, or damages property. [3 definitions]