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vermin any of numerous insects or small animals, such as cockroaches or mice, that are destructive, harmful, or otherwise objectionable or difficult to control. [3 definitions]
Vermont a U.S. state in New England between New Hampshire and New York. (abbr.: VT)
versatile having numerous skills or abilities, usu. being able to turn easily from one type of thing engaged in to another. [2 definitions]
verse1 poetry, or a poem, esp. in metrical form. [4 definitions]
version a description or report in a particular style or from one point of view. [3 definitions]
versus in opposition to; against. [2 definitions]
vertebra one of the small bones or segments of cartilage that form the spinal column.
vertebrate having a backbone. [3 definitions]
vertex the highest point of anything; apex. [2 definitions]
vertical perpendicular to level ground; extending at right angles to the horizon; upright. [4 definitions]
very to a great extent; in a high degree; extremely. [7 definitions]
vessel a hollow device used as a receptacle, esp. for liquids; container. [4 definitions]
vest a waist-length, fitted, sleeveless, and usu. collarless garment, usu. worn over a shirt or blouse and often under a jacket; weskit. [8 definitions]
vet1 (informal) a shortened form of "veterinarian," a person trained and licensed to practice medicine on animals. [3 definitions]
vet2 (informal) shortened form of "veteran," a person who was formerly part of the armed forces, esp. during a war.
veteran a person who was formerly part of the armed forces, esp. during a war. [4 definitions]
Veterans Day a holiday in the United States for commemorating all veterans of the armed forces, held on November 11 and formerly called Armistice Day.
veterinarian a person trained and licensed to practice medicine on animals; animal doctor.
veto the right or power of one official authority or body, esp. the chief executive, to reject or cancel something enacted by another, such as a law or budget authorization approved by a legislature. [5 definitions]
VFW abbreviation of "Veterans of Foreign Wars."
vibrate to move back and forth very rapidly and steadily; oscillate. [6 definitions]