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warrior a person who fights or has experience in battle; soldier. [2 definitions]
Warsaw the capital of Poland.
warship a ship equipped or built for combat.
wart a small round, usu. hard raised growth on the skin, often of the hands or feet, that is caused by a virus. [3 definitions]
wary on watchful guard against threat, danger, or trickery; cautious. [2 definitions]
was 1st and 3rd person sing. past tense of be.
wash to make clean by immersing in or applying water or other liquid, esp. if soap is also used. [20 definitions]
washable able to withstand being washed without fading, shrinking, or other damage.
washcloth a small cloth used for washing the body or face.
wash down to clean thoroughly with water or other liquid. [2 definitions]
washer someone or something that washes. [3 definitions]
washing machine a machine, now usu. automatic, that washes laundry.
Washington a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific between Canada and Oregon; Washington State. (abbr.: WA) [2 definitions]
Washington, D.C. the capital city of the United States of America; Washington.
wasn't contracted form of "was not."
wasp any of various winged insects that have a slender body with a very narrow waist, and that can deliver a very painful sting.
waste to use, consume, or spend carelessly or for little or no return; squander. [18 definitions]
wastebasket an open container for holding trash, used inside a home or other building.
wasteful marked by or given to waste or extravagance.
wasteland land that is barren or unsuitable for vegetation. [2 definitions]
wastepaper basket (chiefly British) a small, open container for holding discarded items; wastebasket.