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way a road or path leading from one place to another. [12 definitions]
we used in reference to the speaker and one or more others. [4 definitions]
weak lacking in bodily strength, power, or vigor. [7 definitions]
weaken to make weak or weaker; to cause to lose strength. [2 definitions]
weakling a person who is generally weak in body or character, or an animal that is generally weak in body.
weakness the quality or condition of being weak. [4 definitions]
wealth a large quantity of money or property or the state of having such; affluence. [2 definitions]
wealthy having wealth; rich; affluent.
weapon an object or device intended or used as a means of offense or defense. [2 definitions]
wear to have or carry on one's person as a covering or ornament. [15 definitions]
wear off to diminish or disappear gradually.
wear out to make useless through prolonged use. [3 definitions]
weary physically or mentally tired, esp. from exertion or strain; fatigued. [6 definitions]
weasel any of various carnivorous, slender-bodied mammals, related to minks and polecats, with brownish fur, short legs, and a long bushy tail. [4 definitions]
weather the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as characterized by sunshine, moisture, temperature, precipitation, and other variables. [7 definitions]
weatherman a man who forecasts weather or reports it on radio or television.
weather vane a vane designed to swing in the wind that indicates the direction the wind is blowing.
weave to make (fabric, baskets, or the like) by passing threads or strips over and under each other; interlace. [8 definitions]
weaver a person who weaves, esp. for a living. [2 definitions]
web a thin and fragile structure spun by spiders and the larvae of certain insects. [7 definitions]
webbed having or joined by a web. [2 definitions]