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without having none of or no; lacking. [5 definitions]
withstand to resist or stand up to; prevail against, bear, or survive. [2 definitions]
withstood past tense and past participle of "withstand."
witness to see or personally experience. [9 definitions]
witty displaying or characterized by clever, perceptive humor. [2 definitions]
wives pl. of wife.
wizard one who practices magic; sorcerer. [2 definitions]
wk. abbreviation of "week."
wobble to move or tip unsteadily from side to side; be out of balance. [4 definitions]
woe great suffering or sorrow. [2 definitions]
wok a large pan with a rounded bottom, used esp. for stir-frying in Oriental cookery.
woke a past tense of wake1. [2 definitions]
woken a past participle of wake1.
wolf any of various wild, flesh-eating canines that have bushy tails and erect ears and that hunt in packs. [5 definitions]
wolverine a carnivorous North American mammal related to the weasel, with dark, shaggy fur, white markings on the face and body, and a bushy tail.
wolves pl. of wolf.
woman an adult female human. [3 definitions]
womanhood the state of being a woman. [3 definitions]
wombat any of several Australian marsupials that eat plants, live in burrows, and look like small bears.
women pl. of woman.
won1 past tense and past participle of win.