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wobble to move or tip unsteadily from side to side; be out of balance. [4 definitions]
woe great suffering or sorrow. [2 definitions]
wok a large pan with a rounded bottom, used esp. for stir-frying in Oriental cookery.
woke a past tense of wake1. [2 definitions]
woken a past participle of wake1.
wolf any of various wild, flesh-eating canines that have bushy tails and erect ears and that hunt in packs. [5 definitions]
wolverine a carnivorous North American mammal related to the weasel, with dark, shaggy fur, white markings on the face and body, and a bushy tail.
wolves pl. of wolf.
woman an adult female human. [3 definitions]
womanhood the state of being a woman. [3 definitions]
wombat any of several Australian marsupials that eat plants, live in burrows, and look like small bears.
women pl. of woman.
won1 past tense and past participle of win.
wonder to experience a sensation of admiration or amazement (often fol. by at). [7 definitions]
wonderful causing feelings of wonder or admiration; excellent; extraordinary.
won't contracted form of "will not."
wood the hard substance lying under the bark that composes the trunk and branches of a tree. [9 definitions]
woodchuck any of various marmots, esp. one commonly found in northeastern North America that has a stocky body and shaggy gray-brown fur, lives in a burrow, and hibernates in winter; groundhog.
wooded having woods; covered with trees.
wooden made or consisting of wood. [3 definitions]
woodland land covered with woods; forest. [2 definitions]