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wool the thick, soft, and often curly fleece of sheep, goats, llamas, and the like. [5 definitions]
woolen (often pl.) fabric or garments made of wool. [2 definitions]
word a sound, group of sounds, or the corresponding set of symbols in writing that expresses some meaning that human beings can understand and that can stand alone as a basic unit of language. [10 definitions]
wording the act or manner of putting into words; phrasing; diction.
word processing the production of typed documents with the use of automated typewriters or computers. [2 definitions]
word processor a computerized device, such as an electronic typewriter, or combination of devices, such as a video screen, program, memory, and printer, used to generate, edit, print, store, duplicate, or transmit text. [2 definitions]
wordy pertaining to or having words; verbal. [2 definitions]
wore past tense of wear.
work physical or mental effort directed toward achieving some result; labor. [22 definitions]
workbench a sturdy table or bench at which carpentry or mechanical work is done.
workbook a usu. paper-bound book for students, containing problems or exercises and spaces for written answers, solutions, calculations, or practice. [3 definitions]
worker one who engages in work or who is employed at a job. [3 definitions]
working the act or activity of someone or something that works. [7 definitions]
workman a male worker, usu. in manual labor of some kind.
workmanship the art or skill of a workman or craftsperson. [3 definitions]
workout a period or program of physical exercise. [2 definitions]
workplace the place where one works, esp. a factory, office, store, or the like. [2 definitions]
worksheet a page of written material, usually consisting of questions or exercises, used for help in understanding, learning, or reviewing content that is being studied. Certain types of worksheets help one prepare for carrying out a particular task.
workshop a room or building in which specialized work is done, usu. involving manual or mechanical skills. [2 definitions]
world the earth and everything that inhabits it. [7 definitions]
worldly of or pertaining to the material world; not spiritual; secular. [2 definitions]