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worldly of or pertaining to the material world; not spiritual; secular. [2 definitions]
worldwide spread or extending all over the world. [2 definitions]
World Wide Web a part of the Internet consisting of a network of specially formatted documents, called pages, that are linked to each other. (abbr.: WWW)
worm any of numerous related invertebrates with long, thin, flexible, round or flat bodies and no limbs. [11 definitions]
worn past participle of wear. [4 definitions]
worn-out no longer usable because of wear. [3 definitions]
worried feeling trouble or anxiety about something that might happen.
worry to feel anxious or troubled; fret. [9 definitions]
worse comparative of "bad" and "ill." [7 definitions]
worship reverent devotion, honor, and love shown to a deity or to an object considered sacred. [6 definitions]
worst superlative of "bad" and "ill." [8 definitions]
worth good, valuable, or important enough to warrant. [8 definitions]
worthless without importance, use, or value. [2 definitions]
worthwhile valuable or rewarding enough to be worth the expenditure of time and energy.
worthy having adequate or considerable worth or merit; admirable; commendable. [3 definitions]
would used as a past form of "will1" after verbs in the past tense that report speech or thoughts. [5 definitions]
would like used as a tentative form of "want" in order to express a greater degree of politeness than "want" expresses or when the possibility of doing what one wants is not considered likely or certain.
wouldn't contracted form of "would not."
wound1 an injury to living tissue, usu. involving penetration or cutting of the external surface. [4 definitions]
wound2 past tense and past participle of wind2.
wove past tense of "weave" and also archaic past participle of "weave."