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blacksmith a person who makes, fits, and repairs horseshoes. [2 definitions]
blacktop a bituminous substance such as asphalt, used as pavement. [3 definitions]
black widow a small spider, widespread in the United States, of which the female has a shiny, black body with an hourglass-shaped red mark on its underside, a poisonous but usu. not fatal bite, and a reputation for sometimes devouring its mate.
bladder an expandable sac or pouch in humans and animals in which gas or liquid, esp. urine, collects. [3 definitions]
blade the cutting part of a knife, sword, scissors, or the like. [6 definitions]
blame to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault. [5 definitions]
blank empty or clear, as a space on a surface. [12 definitions]
blanket a thick, rectangular piece of woven material used on a bed for warmth or worn as a garment. [5 definitions]
blare to sound loudly and harshly. [3 definitions]
blast a powerful and sudden gust or stream. [12 definitions]
blastoff a launching of a rocket-driven missile or spacecraft.
blaze1 an intense flame or light. [6 definitions]
blaze2 a spot or mark on a tree, often made with paint, that usu. indicates a trail. [4 definitions]
bleach to make white or lighter in color by using a chemical agent or sunlight. [4 definitions]
bleacher (usu. pl.) seating arranged in tiers, usu. of benches, as in a gymnasium or the cheaper sections of a baseball park. [2 definitions]
bleak1 cold, windswept, or barren. [2 definitions]
bleat the characteristic vocal sound of a goat, sheep, or calf. [4 definitions]
bled the past tense and past participle of "bleed."
bleed to lose blood. [7 definitions]
blemish to mar or otherwise cause imperfections in. [3 definitions]
blend to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [9 definitions]