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callous insensitive; unfeeling; hardhearted. [4 definitions]
callus a thickened, toughened area of skin or other tissue, such as bone or bark. [3 definitions]
calm without or almost without motion; still; unmoving. [6 definitions]
calorie a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius; gram calorie; small calorie. (abbr.: cal.) [3 definitions]
calves pl. of calf.
Cambodia a Southeast Asian country between Vietnam and Thailand; Kampuchea.
camcorder a portable video recording device that includes a camera and an audio recorder in one unit.
came1 past tense of come.
camel either of two species of large, long-necked, humped mammals of Africa and Asia, often domesticated for riding and carrying loads. (Cf. Bactrian camel, dromedary.)
cameo a method of carving a gemstone so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another. [3 definitions]
camera a device with a shutter and lens that produces photographs by recording images on a light-sensitive film or plate. [2 definitions]
Cameroon a West African country on the Atlantic coast south of Nigeria.
camouflage a method of concealing something such as a person, vehicle, or building, esp. from an enemy military force, by covering it or coloring it so as to imitate its surroundings. [5 definitions]
camp1 an outdoor place where tents or temporary shelters are set up. [9 definitions]
campaign a military operation organized to achieve specific objectives. [4 definitions]
camp bed (chiefly British) a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up; cot.
camper a person who stays at a camp or participates in camping. [2 definitions]
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth, as at a camp or camping site. [2 definitions]
campground a natural area established as a place for camping, often with running water and toilets.
camphor a whitish, strong-smelling compound extracted from camphor trees or synthesized, and used in plastics, insect repellents, and medications.
camping the activity of staying for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or to save money on accommodation while traveling.