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crocodilian any reptile such as or resembling the alligator, caiman, and crocodile.
crocus any of several small plants, related to the iris, that grow from a bulb and bloom in early spring with a single colorful flower.
croissant a roll in the shape of a crescent, made of leavened dough or puff pastry.
crook a curved or hooked part of something. [5 definitions]
crooked bent, curved, or twisting. [2 definitions]
crop agricultural plants or produce. [12 definitions]
crop up to appear or occur unexpectedly.
cross a symbol or structure formed by a vertical line or pole intersecting a horizontal one. [16 definitions]
crossbow a bow mounted on a wooden stock that shoots arrows by means of a trigger mechanism.
cross-eye a condition in which one or both eyes turn toward each other. (See strabismus.)
crossing a place where two roads, routes, or railroad tracks, or a combination of these, intersect. [3 definitions]
crossing guard a school official, police officer, or volunteer who directs traffic and helps children to cross the streets around a school.
cross out to remove (something) by drawing a line through it.
cross reference a reference from one part of a book, index, or file to another part containing additional or related information.
cross-reference to supply with cross references.
crossroad the place where two roads intersect; crossing. [2 definitions]
cross section a planar view exposed by cutting through an object, usu. at right angles to its longitudinal axis. [3 definitions]
crosswalk a lane or path, usu. near the corner of a street, that is marked off as a pedestrian crossing.
crossword puzzle a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares.
crotch the place where two linear parts, such as human legs, come together.
crouch to lower the body close to the ground by bending the legs, as an animal about to pounce or a human preparing to run in a race. [4 definitions]