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iceberg a large floating mass of ice that has broken from a glacier. [2 definitions]
icebox a refrigerator. [2 definitions]
icebreaker a ship capable of breaking thick ice to allow passage. [2 definitions]
ice cap a large covering of glacial ice that spreads out in all directions from the center.
ice cream a rich, sweet, frozen food made by churning cream and milk products to a smooth consistency while freezing, and often flavored.
ice hockey see "hockey."
Iceland an island country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle.
ice-skate to skate on ice.
ice skate a sturdy shoe or short boot with a sharp blade attached to the sole, used for skating on ice.
ice-skating the activity or sport of moving one's body over ice wearing ice-skates.
icicle a tapered spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water.
icing a sweet glaze for coating or decorating baked goods, esp. cakes; frosting.
icon an image, representation, or symbol. [4 definitions]
iconic being a clear symbol or representative of something and generally regarded with reverence or high esteem. [3 definitions]
icy made of, covered with, containing, or resembling ice. [3 definitions]
ID1 abbreviation of "Idaho," a northwestern U.S. state south and west of Montana.
I'd contracted form of "I would," or contracted form of "I had."
Idaho a northwestern U.S. state south and west of Montana. (abbr.: ID)
idea anything existing in the mind as a product of mental activity or awareness, such as a conception or image. [6 definitions]
ideal an idea of something in its perfect form or essence. [6 definitions]
idealistic believing in noble ideas, principles, and values, especially with regard to the possibility of making positive change in the world.