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microchip a tiny, usu. silicon, plate of semiconducting material, holding a complicated, electronic, integrated circuit, as in computers.
microcomputer a small computer built with miniaturized components and used for applications that have a limited scope, such as small business and home computing and word processing. (See minicomputer.)
microorganism any microscopic life form such as a bacterium, protozoan, or virus.
microphone a device that converts sound waves into electronic signals for recording, amplification, or broadcast.
microscope an instrument using a lens or lenses to magnify extremely small objects, esp. those not visible to the unaided eye.
microscopic too small to be seen with the unaided eye. [3 definitions]
microwave any extremely high-frequency electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is between one millimeter and one meter. [2 definitions]
microwave oven an oven that cooks or heats food or beverages quickly using high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
mid2 amid or among.
mid- middle.
Midas in Greek mythology, the king to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning everything he touched into gold. [2 definitions]
midday the middle part of the day or the time anywhere near or around it. [2 definitions]
middle in between and equally distant from two or more things, places, or points. [5 definitions]
middle age the period of human life between youth and old age, approximately the years between forty and sixty-five.
middle-aged of a person, being of an age between youth and old age.
Middle Ages the period of European history between antiquity and the Renaissance, from 500 A.D. to about 1500 A.D.
middle class the social class between the very rich or the aristocracy and lower-class laborers, that includes business people, professionals, farmers, skilled workers, and the like; bourgeoisie.
Middle East the region along the southeastern and eastern border of the Mediterranean from Libya and eastward to Afghanistan. (Cf. Far East, Near East.)
Middle English the English language as it was spoken and written from the twelfth to the fifteenth century.
Middle West see "Midwest."
midget (sometimes considered offensive) a much smaller than average person whose body is typically proportioned. [5 definitions]