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muzzle the projecting nose, jaws, and mouth of certain animals, such as dogs. [6 definitions]
my of, relating to, or belonging to the speaker (a possessive form of I). [2 definitions]
Myanmar a Southeast Asian country between India and Thailand; formerly Burma.
myrtle any of several shrubs, esp. one found in the Mediterranean region and western Asia, that have evergreen leaves and bear pink or white flowers and aromatic, dark blue berries. [2 definitions]
myself used to emphasize me or I. [3 definitions]
mysterious full of, pertaining to, or characterized by mystery. [2 definitions]
mystery an unknown, unexplainable, or secret matter. [4 definitions]
mystify to cause puzzlement in, often with intent to deceive; bewilder; perplex.
myth a story or body of stories based on tradition or legend, originating in the oral history of a preliterate society and incorporating its beliefs about the origins of the world, the causes of natural events, and the origins of the society's customs and practices. [4 definitions]
mythical concerning, involving, resembling, or portrayed in a myth or myths. [2 definitions]
mythology a body of myths particular to one society, event, or subject, or all myths collectively. [2 definitions]
N1 symbol of the chemical element nitrogen.
n the fourteenth letter of the English alphabet.
Na symbol of the chemical element sodium.
NAACP abbreviation of "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest. [2 definitions]
nag1 to bother with constant complaints, demands, or instructions; pester. [6 definitions]
nag2 a horse that has little value or has outlived its usefulness.
nail a slim, pointed metal rod, usu. topped by a flat head, that can be hammered into a material such as wood in order to fasten or reinforce. [7 definitions]
nail polish a clear or colored lacquer applied to fingernails and toenails.
naked uncovered or unclothed; bare or nude. [5 definitions]