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quietly with little or no sound.
quill a bird's feather, esp. a long wing or tail feather. [6 definitions]
quilt a bed covering consisting of two layers of material, sewn together in often decorative panels and filled with feathers, wool, cotton, or the like. [5 definitions]
quintuplet one of five children born to a mother from a single pregnancy. [2 definitions]
quit to resign; give up; decline to take further part in. [8 definitions]
quite to the greatest extent; completely; entirely. [3 definitions]
quite a few a rather large number of people or things.
quiver1 to shake with very small, rapid movements. [2 definitions]
quiver2 a case designed to hold and transport arrows, often strapped to the back or waist. [2 definitions]
quiz to question so as to test students' learning, esp. informally and without prior notification. [4 definitions]
quota the part or share of something that is to be distributed to, that maximally can be distributed to, or that habitually is consumed by, an individual or group. [3 definitions]
quotation the act of quoting. [4 definitions]
quotation mark either of a pair of double punctuation marks (" ") used to enclose a quotation, or either of a pair of single punctuation marks (' ') used to enclose a quotation within a quotation.
quote to repeat exact words or information from. [7 definitions]
quotient that number which is obtained as the result of an arithmetic division.
r the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet.
Ra1 symbol of the chemical element radium.
rabbi in Judaism, a cleric having the responsibilities of leading a local congregation, teaching, and supervising rituals such as weddings. [3 definitions]
rabbit any of a variety of long-eared, short-tailed, furry burrowing mammals, including the hare and the cottontail. [2 definitions]
rabies an infectious viral disease of mammals usu. transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, causing inflammation of the central nervous system that results in violent and irrational behavior followed by death if not treated.
raccoon a nocturnal North American mammal having brownish gray fur, masklike black facial markings, and black rings around the tail. [2 definitions]