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Saint Nicholas a Greek priest of the fourth century and Christian saint famous for his giving of small gifts and from whose legend was based the cultural figure of Santa Claus associated with the Christmas holiday (b. 270 A.D.?--d. 343 A.D.). [2 definitions]
Saint Patrick's Day a holiday on March 17 every year celebrated by the Irish in honor of the most important saint of Ireland. In the United States, Saint Patrick's Day is also a day to honor Ireland itself or to celebrate having come from Ireland. Because the color green is a symbol of Ireland, many people where green on this holiday.
Saint Valentine's Day a holiday that celebrates love and friendship. Saint Valentine's Day occurs on February 14 of each year. On this day, people often give special cards, candy, flowers, or other nice things to people they care about; Valentine's Day.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The country includes the main island of Saint Vincent and some other islands that are part of a group of islands called the Grenadines. The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is Kingstown.
sake1 reason; purpose. [2 definitions]
salad a mixture of cold vegetables such as lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, served with a dressing. [2 definitions]
salamander a small animal with a long, thin body, a long tail, and moist, smooth skin. Although salamanders look like lizards, they are amphibians closely related to frogs and toads. Young salamanders live in water. Most adult salamanders live in moist woodlands.
salami a spicy sausage that is usually made with beef or pork.
salary a fixed amount of money paid at regular times for the work a person has done.
sale An exchange of goods for money. [2 definitions]
salesclerk someone whose job is to assist and sell goods to customers in a store.
salesman a man whose job is to sell goods or services.
salesperson a person whose job is to sell goods or services.
saleswoman a woman whose job is to sell goods or services.
saliva a liquid produced by glands in the mouth that helps us to chew and digest food. Saliva has no color or taste.
salmon a fish that lives in salt water but lays its eggs in freshwater streams. Salmon have a color like silver and are used for food. Salmon are related to trout. [2 definitions]
salon a pleasant room in a large house or apartment used for entertaining guests. [2 definitions]
salsa a spicy sauce made with peppers, onions, and tomatoes. It is used in Latin American food dishes.
salt a white substance that is found in sea water and in the earth. Salt is used for preserving and seasoning foods. [5 definitions]
salt lick a natural deposit of salt that animals lick to obtain sodium.
saltshaker a small, closed container with holes in the top, used for adding salt to food.