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spade2 a black figure shaped like a pointed leaf with a short stem, used on playing cards. [3 definitions]
spaghetti a form of pasta made in long thin strings, usu. served with a meat, tomato, or other sauce. [2 definitions]
Spain a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula between Portugal and the Mediterranean Sea.
Spam trademark for an inexpensive meat prepared from pork pieces and seasonings, usu. canned.
span1 the extent, stretch, or reach between two points or limits. [9 definitions]
spangle a small thin piece of shiny metal, plastic, or the like, used for decoration, esp. on clothing. [4 definitions]
Spaniard a native or citizen of Spain, or a descendant thereof.
spaniel a small to medium-sized dog with short legs, long drooping ears, and long silky hair. [2 definitions]
Spanish of or pertaining to Spain or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
spank1 to strike (someone, usu. a child) with the open hand or a paddle, esp. on the buttocks, for punishment. [2 definitions]
spare to handle gently or leniently. [14 definitions]
spark a fiery or brightly glowing particle thrown off by burning wood. [8 definitions]
sparkle to throw off or reflect little flashes or gleams of light; glitter. [9 definitions]
sparrow any of various small songbirds that have brownish or grayish feathers and are common in many regions. [2 definitions]
sparse thinly scattered; not thick or dense; scanty.
spat1 a short, insignificant quarrel. [4 definitions]
spat2 a past tense and past participle of spit1.
spatter to scatter (a liquid) in small bits, drops, or splashes. [7 definitions]
spatula a cooking utensil or tool that has a wide, flat, usu. flexible blade, used esp. for spreading, mixing, or lifting.
spawn the mass of eggs deposited by fish, frogs, or other aquatic animals. [8 definitions]
SPCA abbreviation of "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."