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surprising causing surprise or wonder; astonishing. [2 definitions]
surrender to turn over or yield to the power, control, or possession of another, esp. under compulsion. [5 definitions]
surround to encompass by closing off all sides. [4 definitions]
surrounding enclosing; encircling. [3 definitions]
surroundings all the things around one; one's environment.
survey the act of determining the shape, area, and elevation of a piece of land. [9 definitions]
survival the act of surviving, or the fact of having survived. [2 definitions]
survive to continue to live despite serious immediate threat to one's life. [5 definitions]
survivor someone or something that survives. [2 definitions]
suspect to have a theory or feeling that a certain thing is true without knowing what the facts are. [7 definitions]
suspend to hang (something) from a higher position. [7 definitions]
suspenders a pair of adjustable straps that are designed to support trousers, worn over the shoulders and attached to the trousers at the front and back of the waist. [2 definitions]
suspense a state of excitement or anxiety resulting from uncertainty or mystery. [3 definitions]
suspicion the act or an instance of suspecting. [5 definitions]
suspicious tending to cause or evoke questions or doubt. [3 definitions]
sustain to provide with the basic necessities of life. [8 definitions]
sustainable capable of being sustained. [2 definitions]
SW abbreviation of "southwest."
Swahili an African language with some Arabic roots that is used in east Africa and parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [2 definitions]
swallow1 to take or draw (a portion of food or other substance) into the digestive tract by passing it from the mouth into the esophagus with a voluntary muscular movement. [8 definitions]
swallow2 any of a number of small migratory birds that have long, pointed wings and often a forked tail, and that are known for their graceful flight. [2 definitions]