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sympathize to feel or express compassion or tenderness for another, esp. one suffering sorrow or difficulty; give condolences to (often fol. by "with"). [3 definitions]
sympathy kind understanding and concern felt for others because they are having difficulty, suffering, or are experiencing sadness, grief, anger, or the like. [6 definitions]
symphony a musical composition for orchestra, usu. having three or four movements and similar in form to a sonata. [4 definitions]
symphony orchestra a large group of instrumentalists, including string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections, that performs symphonic compositions.
symptom an indication or sign of something. [2 definitions]
synagogue a place used for worship and religious instruction by a Jewish congregation. [2 definitions]
syndrome a group or pattern of symptoms that together are indicative of a particular disease, disorder, or condition. [2 definitions]
synonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word of the same language. [2 definitions]
synonymous having the same or a similar meaning; expressing the same idea, intent, or the like.
syntax the study of the structure and formation of phrases and sentences. [5 definitions]
synthetic of, pertaining to, resulting from, or involving synthesis. [5 definitions]
syphon variant of siphon.
Syria a Middle East country on the Mediterranean Sea between Turkey and Jordan.
syrup a solution of sugar in water, esp. a viscous solution containing flavoring or medication. [2 definitions]
system a group of related things or parts that function together as a whole. [6 definitions]
system unit the main constituent of a computer, which houses the central processing unit and other essential components.
t the twentieth letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
tab a small, flat projection, such as a loop, strap, or flap, used for pulling, hanging, or opening, or as a means of identifying something. [7 definitions]
table an article of furniture, usu. with a flat, horizontal top and supported by one or more vertical legs. [11 definitions]
tablecloth a cloth used to cover a dining table in order to protect its surface during a meal.
tablespoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one half fluid ounce, three teaspoons, or about fifteen milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tbs.) [4 definitions]