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trip a journey, voyage, or excursion. [18 definitions]
triple three times the amount of. [9 definitions]
triplet one of three children born at a single birth. [4 definitions]
tripod a usu. adjustable three-legged stand or support, as for a camera or telescope.
triumph the act, condition, or fact of achieving a great victory or success. [5 definitions]
trivial having little value or importance; insignificant.
troll1 to trail (a fishing line or lure) behind a slowly moving boat. [4 definitions]
troll2 in Scandinavian folklore, an ugly manlike creature that lived in a cave or under a bridge.
trolley a vehicle, esp. a streetcar, propelled electrically along a track or overhead wires. [7 definitions]
trombone a brass wind instrument consisting of a long tube bent in two parallel loops ending in a bell, that is played by means of valves or by a slide that shortens or lengthens the tube to produce different tones.
troop a band of soldiers. [7 definitions]
trooper a mounted cavalry soldier. [2 definitions]
trophy something serving as a token or memento of victory, excellence, or the like; award. [2 definitions]
tropical of, concerning, characteristic of, or occurring in the tropics. [2 definitions]
trot of a quadruped, esp. a horse, to travel briskly by moving the left foreleg forward simultaneously with the right hind leg, and the right foreleg simultaneously with the left hind leg. [6 definitions]
trouble a state or condition of distress, need, or misfortune. [14 definitions]
troupe a usually professional group of dancers, actors, or other artists who perform together and generally travel to do their performances. [2 definitions]
trousers a garment for the lower parts of the body from waist to ankle, divided into sections covering each leg; pants.
trout any of various freshwater or anadromous fishes related to the salmon, usu. having a speckled body, and valued as food and game. [2 definitions]
trowel any of various hand tools having a flat blade, used for working with plaster, cement, and the like. [3 definitions]
truant one who is absent without permission, esp. from a school. [4 definitions]