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wake2 the track of waves left by something that is moving through water. [2 definitions]
waken to cause to stop sleeping; awake. [3 definitions]
wake up to stop sleeping. [2 definitions]
Wales a division of the United Kingdom in southwestern Great Britain.
walk to move at a moderate pace by steps. [14 definitions]
walk a tightrope to keep a difficult balance or middle position between opposed people, choices, or the like.
walk away with to win or obtain unexpectedly or easily.
walker a person who walks, esp. regularly or with enjoyment. [2 definitions]
walking the act or movement of someone or something that walks. [5 definitions]
walk off with to win or obtain unexpectedly or easily. [2 definitions]
walk of life occupation or social status.
wall an upright structure with a height much greater than its thickness, used for separation, protection, or enclosure. [8 definitions]
wallet a small flat pocketbook, usu. of leather, with compartments for paper money, credit cards, personal documents, and the like; billfold.
wallow to roll the body about lazily in mud, sand, water, or the like, esp. for comfort or pleasure. [6 definitions]
wallpaper a decorative wallcovering made of paper printed with colors or colored patterns. [3 definitions]
walnut any of various trees related to the hickory, bearing edible nuts, and used as shade trees and as a source of high-quality wood. [4 definitions]
walrus either of two large marine mammals related to the seals, inhabiting arctic seas and having two large tusks, flippers, considerable blubber, and tough thick hide.
waltz a round dance for couples in three-four time with the accent on the first beat. [7 definitions]
wampum white and dark cylindrical beads made from polished shells, formerly used by North American Indians as money and ornaments.
wan unnaturally pale, as from illness or exhaustion. [3 definitions]
wand a thin stick or rod used by magicians or the like. [3 definitions]