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wish to long for; desire; want. [9 definitions]
wishbone a forked bone found in front of the breastbone of most birds, formed by the fusion of the clavicles, and sometimes used, when taken from a cooked fowl, to make wishes over.
wisp a thin bundle, bunch, tuft, streak, or the like, as of straw, hair, or smoke. [4 definitions]
wisteria any of several related woody vines characterized by drooping clusters of flowers that resemble bunches of grapes, usu. in purple or white.
wit1 (often pl.) the innate ability to perceive, think, or know; mental faculties; intelligence. [5 definitions]
witch a woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress. (Cf. warlock.) [4 definitions]
with in the company of; accompanying. [16 definitions]
with a grain of salt with a somewhat skeptical attitude.
with child pregnant.
withdraw to take back, out, or away; remove. [4 definitions]
withdrew past tense of withdraw.
wither to dry up, shrivel, or wilt, as from decay or lack of moisture. [5 definitions]
withheld past tense and past participle of "withhold."
withhold to deliberately hold back; restrain. [3 definitions]
within into or in the interior part, esp. of a building or room. [6 definitions]
without having none of or no; lacking. [5 definitions]
withstand to resist or stand up to; prevail against, bear, or survive. [2 definitions]
withstood past tense and past participle of "withstand."
witness to see or personally experience. [9 definitions]
witty displaying or characterized by clever, perceptive humor. [2 definitions]
wives pl. of wife.