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yours truly1 words used to end a letter before it is signed; (informal) I, me, or myself.
youth the quality or state of being young. [5 definitions]
you've shortened form of "you have."
yowl to make a loud, sad cry. [2 definitions]
yo-yo a toy made of two thick wooden or plastic disks connected by a peg around which a string is tied. One plays with a yo-yo by holding the end of the string and moving the hand to cause the disk unit to roll up and down the string.
yr.1 abbreviation of "year" or "years."
Yugoslavia formerly, a country in southeastern Europe located south of Austria and Hungary. Yugoslavia existed as a country from 1918 until it began to break up toward the end of the twentieth century. Eventually, it split up into the independent countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. Belgrade, which is now the capital of Serbia, was the capital of Yugoslavia.
Yukon a territory of northwest Canada. It borders Alaska on the west, British Columbia on the South, the Northwest Territories on the east, and the Arctic Ocean on the north. Its capital is Whitehorse. [2 definitions]
Yukon River a major river of North America that flows from western Canada through central Alaska to the Bering Sea, a northern part of the Pacific Ocean.
yule (sometimes capital) Christmas or the Christmas season.
yuletide (sometimes capital) the Christmas holiday season.
Yupik a member of a native people living in parts of Alaska in the U.S. and Siberia in Russia.
z the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet.
Zaire former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a nation in Central Africa. [2 definitions]
Zambezi River a major river in southern Africa that flows through Zambia, Angola, and Mozambique before emptying into the Indian Ocean. It also touches the borders of Namibia and Botswana and flows along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Zambia a country in south, central Africa. Lusaka is the capital of Zambia. Zambia used to be called Northern Rhodesia.
zap (informal) to strike, or kill suddenly. [2 definitions]
zeal great enthusiasm for a person or cause.
zebra a large mammal with a striped coat, long legs, and hooves. Zebras are closely related to horses but have shorter manes. They live in large herds in Africa. Several kinds of zebras are in danger of becoming extinct.
zenith the point in the sky that is directly over the head of the person looking at it. [2 definitions]
zeppelin (sometimes capitalized) a rigid airship with a long, cylindrical shape, used for carrying passengers. It was invented by a man named Ferdinand von Zeppelin in the late 1800s.