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bluefish a blue-colored game and food fish found in temperate Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. [2 definitions]
bluegrass a grass having a blue-green color and much used in pastures and lawns, found esp. in Kentucky. [2 definitions]
blue in the face exhausted from excessive effort or activity.
blue jay a common jay of eastern North America, with a crest, a bright blue upper body and head, and distinctive white and black markings.
blueprint a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [3 definitions]
blues (used with a pl. verb) a state of melancholy or depression. [2 definitions]
blue whale the largest whale, as much as one hundred feet long, with a bluish gray back, yellow undersides, and grooves running lengthwise on the throat and abdomen.
bluff1 a hill or shoreline with a steep face. [3 definitions]
bluff2 to mislead someone by using false pretenses. [6 definitions]
blunder a careless or thoughtless mistake. [5 definitions]
blunt having a dull edge or point; not sharp. [5 definitions]
blur to cause to run together or become obscure or confused, as by smearing. [7 definitions]
blurt to utter abruptly, awkwardly, and without discretion (often fol. by "out").
blush to become red in the face as an involuntary expression of shame, confusion, or other self-conscious discomfort. [7 definitions]
bluster to blow noisily and in gusts, as the wind. [5 definitions]
Blvd. abbreviation of "boulevard," a wide city street, often lined with trees or landscaped (used in a proper name).
boa constrictor a large nonpoisonous snake native to the American tropics that is pale brown with darker markings and that coils around and crushes its prey.
boar an uncastrated male pig. [3 definitions]
board a flat, cut piece of lumber; plank. [9 definitions]
boarding school an elementary or secondary school at which the students live as well as take classes.
boast to talk with an excess of pride, esp. about oneself; brag. [5 definitions]