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caretaker an employee responsible for the physical maintenance of property, such as a building or grounds. [2 definitions]
carfare the amount charged for public transportation, as on a city bus.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
Caribbean of or pertaining to the islands and countries in the Caribbean Sea, or their peoples, languages, cultures, and the like. [4 definitions]
Caribbean Sea an extension of the Atlantic bordered by the West Indies and Central and South America.
caribou any of several large deer related to reindeer, having branched antlers in both males and females and found in the far northern regions of North America.
caries bone decay, esp. tooth decay.
carnation any of various flowers related to the pink, with fragrant, fringed flowers of various colors, esp. red, white, and pink.
carnival a traveling commercial amusement show, usu. offering rides, games of chance, and sideshows. [2 definitions]
carnivore a flesh-eating animal, esp. a meat-eating mammal. (Cf. herbivore.) [2 definitions]
carnivorous flesh-eating. (Cf. herbivorous.) [2 definitions]
carob a tree of the eastern Mediterranean that bears long flat pods containing a sweet pulp and hard seeds. [2 definitions]
carol a song of joy, esp. a Christmas hymn. [4 definitions]
carpenter one who constructs or repairs wooden objects or structures. [3 definitions]
carpet a heavy fabric covering for floors, often used to cover the floors of entire rooms. (Cf. rug.) [3 definitions]
carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [3 definitions]
carriage a wheeled passenger vehicle that is covered or enclosed, especially one that is drawn by a horse or horses or by a train engine, or one that is pushed along by a person. [5 definitions]
carrier one who carries or delivers. [6 definitions]
carrot a plant cultivated for its edible orange root. [3 definitions]
carry to bear or support while moving; transport. [16 definitions]
carry away to cause an extreme reaction; transport; enrapture.