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continue to go on; persist. [7 definitions]
continuing still going on or happening; not over.
continuous extending or enduring without pausing or stopping; unceasing; unbroken.
contour the outline of a surface, form, or figure; shape. [7 definitions]
contract an agreement, usu. legally binding, entered into by two or more parties that specifies what each party will do or not do. [8 definitions]
contraction an act of contracting. [3 definitions]
contractor one who agrees by contract to do specified work at a certain price and to supply all necessary materials. [2 definitions]
contradict to assert the opposite of; deny the truth of. [4 definitions]
contradictory involving, containing, or being a contradiction; inconsistent; contrary. [3 definitions]
contrary totally different; opposite. [6 definitions]
contrast to compare (two people or things) in order to make their differences clear. [7 definitions]
contribute to give individually or with others to a common fund or collective effort (often fol. by "to"). [5 definitions]
contribution the act of contributing. [2 definitions]
contrive to plan or devise cleverly or ingeniously. [5 definitions]
control to exercise the power to regulate, dominate, or manipulate; command. [9 definitions]
control tower a tower at an airport from which air traffic is directed by radio.
controversial of, relating to, or characterized by controversy. [3 definitions]
controversy a dispute, esp. a public one, marked by the expression of opposing views; debate. [2 definitions]
convection the motion or transmittal of heat through a liquid or gas because of the natural rising of the heated parts and sinking of the cooled parts.
convene to gather or assemble, esp. for a formal meeting. [3 definitions]
convenience the quality of being suitable or handy for one's purpose or need. [4 definitions]