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gearshift a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission.
gear stick (chiefly British) a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission; gearshift.
gear up to make preparations; get ready for.
gecko any of various small, soft-skinned, insect-eating lizards that have a short body, large head, and suction pads on the feet and are found in tropical and subtropical regions.
geese pl. of goose.
Geiger counter an instrument that detects radiation by means of a gas that ionizes when in the presence of radioactive emanations, and that also measures it by a device that counts the electrical pulses emitted by the ionized gas.
gel a non-separating chemical mixture that resembles jelly. (See colloid.) [3 definitions]
gelatin an animal protein that is used in glue, on film, and in making edible gels from liquids, such as jellies or aspics. [3 definitions]
gem a precious stone that has been cut and polished; jewel. [4 definitions]
Gemini a spring zodiacal constellation located between Taurus and Cancer and containing two bright stars, Castor and Pollux; Twins. [3 definitions]
gene a section of a chromosome that determines the structure of a single protein or part of one, thereby influencing a particular hereditary characteristic, such as eye color, or a particular biochemical reaction.
genera a plural form of genus.
general relating to or characteristic of all or most of some thing or group; not referring to, connected with, or limited to any one particular thing. [5 definitions]
generalize to infer (a general principle or idea) from specific facts. [5 definitions]
generally for the most part. [3 definitions]
generate to cause to be brought into being. [2 definitions]
generation the entire body of people who were born at roughly the same time. [5 definitions]
generator someone or something that generates. [3 definitions]
generic of, concerning, or applying to all elements of a particular class. [4 definitions]
generosity willing readiness to give. [3 definitions]
generous willing to give or share, or giving more than necessary; unselfish. [4 definitions]