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sea level the surface level of the sea, esp. the mean between high and low tide, which is used as a standard in calculating land elevations and sea depths.
sea lion any of several large-eared seals that live in colonies along the Pacific coast.
seam a line of stitching along which two pieces of fabric, or one piece folded over, are attached. [6 definitions]
sea otter a large marine otter of the northern Pacific coast.
seaplane an airplane that can land on and take off from water.
seaport a city, town, or harbor at which seagoing vessels dock, load, and unload.
search to look through thoroughly in order to find something. [6 definitions]
searchlight a lamp, usu. with a reflector, that can direct a powerful beam of light in any direction.
seashell the shell of an ocean mollusk, esp. one that has washed up on the shore.
seashore land that borders on the ocean.
seasick suffering from seasickness.
season one of the four distinct periods of the year; spring, summer, fall, or winter. [8 definitions]
seasonal of, characteristic of, or dependent on the seasons or a season of the year; periodical.
seasoning that which is added to food to improve the flavor, such as salt, an herb, or spice. [2 definitions]
seat an object for sitting on, such as a chair or bench. [9 definitions]
seat belt a safety strap or harness, attached to airplane and automobile seats, that fastens across the waist or over the shoulder as protection against sudden stops or collision; safety belt.
sea turtle any of the species of large marine turtles with paddle-shaped limbs, such as loggerheads and leatherbacks, found in warm-water seas.
sea urchin a soft-bodied echinoderm that is enclosed in a hard round or disk-shaped shell, covered with long thin movable spines.
seaweed any of a wide variety of algae that grow in water, esp. salt water. [3 definitions]
sec. abbreviation of "secretary." [2 definitions]
secede to withdraw from a political or religious unit, or from some other organization or alliance.