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slaughter the killing and butchering of animals, esp. for their meat. [4 definitions]
slave one who is owned by and forced to work for another with no pay or personal rights. [4 definitions]
slavery the ownership of one or more persons by another or others; bondage. [4 definitions]
slay to kill or murder deliberately and usu. violently. [2 definitions]
sled a flat platform of wood or other material, usu. mounted on runners, that is used to travel over snow and ice. [3 definitions]
sledgehammer a large, heavy, long-handled hammer, usu. held with both hands, that is used for such tasks as driving posts into the ground. [2 definitions]
sleek smooth or shiny. [4 definitions]
sleep to be in a state of bodily rest that is characterized by full or partial loss of consciousness and a slowing of bodily functions. [9 definitions]
sleeping bag a large, usu. zippered bag that is warmly lined, in which a person can sleep outdoors.
sleep over to stay through the night at the home of a friend or relative.
sleepover the activity, most often engaged in by young children, of staying the night at a friend's. The activity usually involves staying up late playing and talking as well as sleeping.
sleep tight to sleep well or soundly.
sleepy needing or tending to sleep; drowsy. [2 definitions]
sleet freezing rain. [2 definitions]
sleeve the part of a shirt, dress, or the like that covers the arm partly or completely. [3 definitions]
sleigh a light, horse-drawn, open carriage on runners that is used to carry people over snow and ice. [2 definitions]
slender of a person, attractively slim. [4 definitions]
slept past tense and past participle of sleep.
slice a broad and flat or wedge-shaped piece of a larger object. [11 definitions]
slick1 having a smooth, shiny, or slippery surface. [5 definitions]
slick2 to give a smooth or slippery surface to. [2 definitions]