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spore a tiny reproductive body consisting of one or more cells, produced by ferns, fungi, and other organisms. [2 definitions]
sport recreation, usually requiring skill and often vigorous physical activity. [10 definitions]
sportsmanship the characteristics and conduct worthy of a sportsman.
spot a mark, such as a stain, or something like a stain, that is different in color from the area surrounding it; blot. [13 definitions]
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.
spout to forcefully expel (a fluid or other substance), often in a continuous stream. [6 definitions]
sprain to twist or overstrain (a body joint) so that ligaments are stretched or torn. [3 definitions]
sprang a past tense of spring.
sprawl to lie, sit, or fall with the arms and legs spread out loosely. [5 definitions]
spray1 water or another liquid flying or falling in fine droplets, as from the nozzle of a hose. [8 definitions]
spread to open, expand, or unfold. [18 definitions]
spring to move out or upward quickly or suddenly; jump. [22 definitions]
springtime the season of spring. [2 definitions]
sprinkle to scatter or drop (a substance) in droplets or small particles. [9 definitions]
sprinkler a device for sprinkling, esp. one for watering lawns, gardens, or crops. [2 definitions]
sprint to run or go at top speed, esp. for a relatively short distance. [4 definitions]
sprout to start to grow, as a shoot or bud. [6 definitions]
spruce1 any of various evergreen trees that have short, densely growing, needlelike leaves and bear hanging cones. [2 definitions]
spruce2 neat, stylish, or smartly dressed or groomed. [2 definitions]
sprung a past tense and past participle of spring.
spry agile and briskly energetic in motion; nimble.