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tray a flat, open receptacle in varying sizes, usu. with slightly raised edges, used to carry, hold, or display food, drink, or small articles. [2 definitions]
treacherous betraying or likely to betray trust; traitorous; faithless. [2 definitions]
treachery violation of faith or allegiance; betrayal. [2 definitions]
tread to step or walk on, over, in, or along. [10 definitions]
treadmill a continuous belt or circle of moving steps that, when trod by a person or animal, causes a wheel or shaft to revolve. [2 definitions]
tread water to keep afloat in an erect position with just the head above water by pumping the legs and feet as though walking. [2 definitions]
treason the betrayal of one's country, esp. by waging war against it or aiding its enemies with strategic information.
treasure accumulated or stored wealth. [4 definitions]
treasurer the officer of a club, business, government agency, or other organization who is responsible for the safekeeping and disbursement of funds.
treasury a place where funds are deposited and held. [4 definitions]
treat to behave toward (a person or animal) in a particular way. [11 definitions]
treatment the act of treating, or the way in which one treats another. [4 definitions]
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries. [3 definitions]
treble threefold; triple. [7 definitions]
tree a perennial woody plant consisting of roots, a trunk, and branches, usu. growing to a substantial height. [5 definitions]
tree house a structure built within the branches of a tree for the purpose of play.
tree ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.
trek to travel or make one's way, usu. slowly and arduously. [2 definitions]
tremble to shake or quiver involuntarily, as from fear, exhaustion, or cold. [4 definitions]
tremendous extraordinarily large in degree or size. [3 definitions]
tremor an involuntary shaking or quivering; fit of trembling. [4 definitions]