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truth agreement with fact or reality. [6 definitions]
truthful tending to adhere to the truth; habitually honest. [2 definitions]
try to attempt through deliberate effort. [7 definitions]
try on to put on an article of clothing in order to test the desirability of its size or appearance.
try out to enter into a competition, as for a job, play, or sport (usu. fol. by "for"). [2 definitions]
tsar variant of czar.
T-shirt a collarless undershirt with short sleeves, worn esp. by men and boys. [2 definitions]
tsp. abbreviation of "teaspoon" or "teaspoons."
tsunami a very large, often destructive sea wave caused by a marine earthquake or volcanic explosion.
tub a large low, usu. round, flat-bottomed container used for washing, packing, storing, or the like. [4 definitions]
tuba one of a family of large, oval, brass wind instruments that produce notes in the bass range.
tube a hollow cylinder made of glass, metal, or rubber used esp. for holding or conveying liquids. [8 definitions]
tuber a short, fleshy, rounded or oblong underground stem, such as the potato, with buds from which new shoots can grow. [2 definitions]
tuberculosis a contagious disease of human beings and some animals, caused by a bacterium and characterized by the formation of tubercles on body tissues, esp. in the lungs; TB.
tuck to gather up and push in or turn under the loose end or edge of (a shirt, blanket, or the like) so as to secure (often fol. by "in" or "up"). [10 definitions]
Tues. abbreviation of "Tuesday," the third day of the week, occurring between Monday and Wednesday.
Tuesday the third day of the week, occurring between Monday and Wednesday.
tuft a cluster or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other, as of yarn, hair, or grass. [8 definitions]
tug to pull at strongly or forcibly. [9 definitions]
tugboat a small but powerful boat used to guide, push, or tow larger vessels, esp. into and out of harbors.
tuition the charge for instruction at a college, private school, or the like. [2 definitions]