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yesterday on the day preceding today. [5 definitions]
yet up until or at this time. [7 definitions]
yew any of several evergreen trees and shrubs that have sharp flat needles and bear poisonous red berries. [2 definitions]
yield to give forth or produce (a product, result, or quantity). [8 definitions]
YMCA abbreviation of "Young Men's Christian Association."
yodel to sing or call out with frequent, abrupt changes so that the voice fluctuates between the natural chest voice and a falsetto. [2 definitions]
yoga (often cap.) a Hindu discipline involving a system of physical and mental exercises to free the self from the body and mind, esp. performed to achieve spiritual peace. [2 definitions]
yogurt a slightly acidic custardlike food that is made from curdled milk and often flavored or sweetened with fruit.
yoke a device used to join together a pair of draft animals, usu. comprising a crossbar with two U-shaped loops, each fitted around the head of an animal. [9 definitions]
yolk the yellow nutritive substance in an egg, consisting of protein and fat, that is involved directly in the formation of the embryo.
Yom Kippur the Jewish Day of Atonement, observed as a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance on the tenth day of Tishri, and regarded as the holiest day in the religious calendar.
yonder (informal) somewhat distant but usu. within sight. [2 definitions]
you the person or persons being addressed. [2 definitions]
you bet (informal) to be sure; of course.
you'd contracted form of "you would," or contracted form of "you had."
you'll contracted form of "you will."
young at an early stage of life, growth, or development. [7 definitions]
younger comparative of "young." [2 definitions]
youngest superlative of "young." [2 definitions]
youngster a young person; child. [2 definitions]
your a possessive form of you; of or belonging to the person or persons being addressed. [2 definitions]