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parts of speech:
noun, adjective, pronoun
Homophone Note
part of speech: noun
definition 1: "One" is the word for the number 1.
definition 2: "One" means a single thing or person out of all others. If you are the one in your class with a red hat, it means that you are the person with a red hat. No one else has a red hat.
The puppy with the spots on its face is the one I want to adopt.Miguel is the best one on the swim team.
similar words:
party, single
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: When your dog is your only pet, then your family has one pet and no more. When there is one person in the room, there is a single person in the room.
Only one person could guess the right answer to the teacher's question.Each of us had one cupcake at the party.
similar words:
definition 2: If your grandmother will take you swimming one day next week, it means that she will take you next week but which day you will go is not certain yet, or it is not important to mention.
Alana's mother promised her that they will go to New York City one day.Let's go to the movies one day next week. I could go Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. How about you?
part of speech: pronoun
definition 1: When one of your special pencils is missing, it means that a pencil that is part of your group of special pencils is missing. Which pencil it is of that group is not important at the moment.
One of the players on David's soccer team hurt his ankle.The cookies looked so good that I had to have one.
definition 2: Sometimes "one" means a person or any person. If we say that one can buy stamps at a post office, it means that a post office is a place where a person can buy stamps. Any person can buy stamps there. We often use "you" for this same meaning. "One can buy stamps at a post office" means the same thing as "You can buy stamps at a post office." The word "one" is more formal than "you."
One can get all kinds of books at a library.In a thunderstorm, one should not stand under a tree. One should go inside a building.
Homophone Note
The words one and won (past tense of "win") sound alike but have different meanings.