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parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: stops, stopping, stopped
definition 1: When your dad stops the car, the car doesn't move anymore. When the rain stops your game, you can't play anymore.
The police officer stopped the cars.Tim's mother stopped the video when it was time for dinner.
activate, start
similar words:
arrest, cease, check, interrupt, stay, still
definition 2: When you stop doing something, you don't continue to do it.
The baby finally stopped crying and went to sleep.The children stopped talking when the principal came into the room.
begin, continue
similar words:
can, cease
definition 3: When something is stopped, or "stopped up," it means that it is blocked. Water or other things can't get through it.
Cooking grease stopped up the drain.
clog, close
similar words:
block, fill, plug
definition 4: When something stops, it doesn't go any farther or it doesn't move anymore.
The school bus stops at the corner for David and me.The only problem I have with skating is that I don't know how to stop.
cease, halt
continue, go, pass, start
similar words:
keep, rest
definition 5: When something stops, it comes to an end.
There was a loud noise outside and we were all happy when it stopped.When the rain stops, we can go back outside.
conclude, end
similar words:
cease, close, die, finish, quit
definition 6: When you stop somewhere, you pause for a short time on your way to some other place.
My mom often stops at the grocery store on her way home from work.We took a bus from Chicago to New York, and we stopped in a lot of towns on the way.
similar words:
drop by, drop in, pause, stay, visit
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A stop is the act of stopping or being stopped.
The last stop the bus makes is by David's house.The ball rolled down the hill and finally came to a stop when it hit a tree.
definition 2: A stop is a place where a bus, train, or other vehicle stops so that passengers can get on and get off.
Rachel and I get the bus at the same stop.My dad gets off the subway at the same stop every day.
Word Builder: stop +
  • stoplight:
    a red traffic light.
  • stop sign:
    a red sign on the side of the road that tells drivers to stop.
Word Explorer