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Children's Dictionary
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on the off chance with the very slight possibility; against the slight hope.
palm off to sell or get rid of by tricking someone.
pay off to finish payments on.
polish off (informal) to complete or get rid of.
put off to delay (some action) until a later time.
rattle off to list or recite quickly from memory.
reel off say quickly and easily.
right off at once; immediately.
right off the bat at once; immediately.
rip off (slang) to rob or steal. [2 definitions]
show off to do something to impress others or to attract favorable attention. [2 definitions]
show-off someone who tries to get attention from others.
shrug off to act as if something does not matter. [3 definitions]
shut off to stop the flow of.
swear off (informal) to decide or promise to give up.
take off to remove from a surface. [2 definitions]
walk off with to win or get easily. [2 definitions]
wear off to become less or disappear gradually.
well-off rich; having enough money to be comfortable. [2 definitions]