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sea level the surface level of the sea, halfway between high and low tide. It is used as the starting point for measuring elevations and depths.
sea lion a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Sea lions are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of sea lions live on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Sea lions are carnivores that eat fish and squid. They are closely related to seals and walruses.
sea otter a mammal with thick brown fur, a long body, a flat tail, and short legs. Sea otters live mostly in the Pacific Ocean in areas near the coast of California and Alaska.
sea turtle a large turtle that lives mostly in the sea. Sea turtles have long legs that are wide and flat so that swimming is easy. Sea turtles come onto the land to lay their eggs.
sea urchin a small sea animal with a soft body inside a hard, round shell. Its shell is covered with long, thin spines. Sea urchins are related to starfish.
South China Sea a part of the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and China.