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Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
ring up to record or add up on a cash register.
round up to bring together; collect.
runner-up the person or team that finishes in second place.
set up to ready for use or operation by assembling or arranging the parts. [2 definitions]
sew up (informal) to bring to a close. [2 definitions]
show up to appear at a place; present oneself. [2 definitions]
shut up to stop talking or make (someone) stop talking.
sign up to join or cause to join a particular group, class, or activity; register.
sit-up an exercise for the stomach muscles. To do a sit-up, a person lies flat on the back and sits up without bending the legs or using the arms.
stock up to keep or collect something for future use.
strike up to begin or cause to begin.
sum up to state or tell again in a short, clear way.
take up to fill or use (space or time), often in a way that is considered wasteful.
think up to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, or the like).
throw up to bring up food and liquid from your stomach through your mouth; vomit.
thumbs-up an expression or gesture that shows that one approves, agrees, or is happy or satisfied with something.
turn up to increase the level of something, such as loudness, heat, or power. [2 definitions]
up for grabs (informal) able to be taken by anyone; not yet decided.
up in the air not decided, not settled, or not certain.
up one's sleeve held secretly or in reserve.