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Children's Dictionary
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bearish like a bear in physique or manner; burly; clumsy; rude. [2 definitions]
bemuse to confuse or bewilder (someone). [2 definitions]
besmirch to tarnish or soil. [2 definitions]
boorish of or resembling a boor; rude; ill-mannered; crude.
borscht a hot or cold beet soup, often served with sour cream.
brash rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent. [2 definitions]
brush1 a tool made of stiff hairs or bristles that have been fastened to a handle. A brush is used for grooming, painting, or scrubbing. [6 definitions]
brush2 a thick group of small trees, shrubs, or bushes growing together. [2 definitions]
bulrush any of various plants that grow in marshes or swamps, such as cattail, rushes, and papyrus.
bum (informal) a poor person with no home and no job; tramp. [3 definitions]
rush1 to act or go quickly; hurry. [6 definitions]
rush2 a grass that grows in wet places. Rushes have thin, hollow stems, small green or brown flowers, and are used to make baskets and other items.