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Children's Dictionary
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-fic causing; producing.
fag to make weary or exhausted; tire (often fol. by "out"). [4 definitions]
FAQ abbreviation of "frequently asked questions."
FCC abbreviation of "Federal Communications Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to regulate the various communications industries including telephone, radio and television, and satellites.
FHA abbreviation of "Federal Housing Administration."
FICA acronym of "Federal Insurance Contributions Act," a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security.
fig a soft fruit, with many small seeds, that grows on a tree native to the Mediterranean, or the tree on which the fruit grows.
fig. abbreviation of "figure." [2 definitions]
Fiji a southwestern Pacific island country that lies northeast of Australia. The capital of Fiji is Suva.
fish an animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing. Fish are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Most fish have scales on their skin. There are many kinds of fish, including salmon, goldfish, tuna, and sharks. [5 definitions]
fix to make stable or steady; fasten firmly; attach. [7 definitions]
fog a thick mass, like a cloud, made up of tiny water drops floating in the air near the ground; mist. [4 definitions]
kwh abbreviation of "kilowatt-hour," or "kilowatt-hours," a unit of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt operating for one hour.
Sikh a member of a Hindu religious sect formed about 1500 in India, whose adherents have faith in one god and reject idol worship and the caste system.