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com- with; together; jointly. [2 definitions]
coma1 a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
coma2 the cloud around a comet's nucleus; the head of a comet. [3 definitions]
comb a thin piece of plastic or other material that has teeth along one side. It is used to smooth, arrange, or hold hair in place. [5 definitions]
combo a small band of musicians, usu. playing popular music such as jazz or rock. [2 definitions]
come to move or travel toward the speaker; approach. [4 definitions]
come to to regain consciousness.
comedo a blockage of dirt and secretions in a skin duct; blackhead.
comma a punctuation mark (,). It is used to separate words, phrases, or other parts of a sentence or list, or to show a pause in speech. It is also used when writing numbers of one thousand or greater to mark off groups of three digits.
commie (informal) a communist (used disparagingly).
commode a toilet. [3 definitions]
common shared with another or others. [4 definitions]
compo a composite material, such as mortar or concrete.
cosmo- world; universe.
gamo- united; joined.
gloom lack of light; darkness. [2 definitions]
GMO abbreviation of "genetically modified organism."
groom a man who is about to be or has just been married. [4 definitions]
jam1 to force or pack tightly into a small space. [8 definitions]
jam2 a sweet spread made by cooking crushed fruit and sugar.