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Children's Dictionary
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apt right for a particular situation; appropriate or suitable. [3 definitions]
apt. abbreviation of "apartment."
capote a long cloak, usu. having a hood.
Capt. abbreviation of "Captain."
carpet a heavy fabric covering for floors. [3 definitions]
cop out (informal) to avoid facing a responsibility or fulfilling a promise, esp. in a cowardly way.
cop-out (informal) an instance or act of evading responsibility or not fulfilling a promise.
Copt a native of Egypt who is a descendant of the ancient Egyptians. [2 definitions]
kappa1 the name of the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet.
kappa2 in Japanese mythology, a monkey-sized river imp having fish scales, a turtle's shell, a bird's or monkey's face, and a depression on the top of its head that holds the liquid that endows it with superhuman strength, said to prey on travelers.
kart a small, lightweight, gas-powered, four-wheeled vehicle used for racing or recreation; go-cart.
keep to hold or continue to hold. [8 definitions]
keep at continue one's persistence with (some activity).
keep out to stay away or cause to stay away from a place.
kept past tense and past participle of "keep."
Maputo the seaport capital of Mozambique.
put to move to a particular position or place. [5 definitions]
Rajput a member of a Hindu people claiming descent from a former ruling caste of northern India and known for their military spirit.
rapt completely engrossed. [2 definitions]