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-mo used after numerals in describing sizes of books, pamphlets, or the like, according to the number of leaves obtained by folding a single sheet of paper.
ammo (informal) ammunition.
boom1 to make a deep, hollow noise. [4 definitions]
boom2 a long pole that stretches the bottom of a boat's sail and holds it in place. [2 definitions]
doom an event or end that one cannot escape; fate; destiny. [2 definitions]
homo- same; similar.
loom1 a device or machine for weaving cloth.
loom2 to appear or come into view, often as a very large, dim, or twisted shape. [2 definitions]
M.O. abbreviation of "modus operandi" (Latin); method of operating.
ma'am (informal; often capitalized) madam.
maim to hurt badly by destroying a part of the body or making it useless.
mama (informal) mother.
mambo a Latin American dance similar to the rhumba. [3 definitions]
mem the name of the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
meme an idea, behavior, style, or other element of a culture which takes root in that culture through repeated transmission and is kept in existence through the collective memory of the group. [2 definitions]
memo a short form of "memorandum."
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience. [3 definitions]
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [2 definitions]
mm abbreviation of "millimeter," or "millimeters."
Mme. abbreviation of "Madame," a married woman, addressed formally or courteously.