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blood group any of several types in which human blood can be classed, each with its own inherited immunological and agglutinative characteristics; blood type.
Blue Man Group a creative organization that provides performance-art theater in the form of a trio of blue-painted entertainers who incorporate such elements as food, odd props, rock music, and audience participation into their show.
ethnic group a group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage.
food group any group of foods organized by nutritional properties, esp. one incorporated into the food pyramid, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, fats, dairy, or protein.
group home a house or other dwelling in which a relatively small group of individuals with disabilities live and receive services to help with their care and to foster independence to the degree possible.
group therapy psychotherapy that uses group discussions of common problems, feelings, and the like as a method of treatment, usu. under the guidance of a therapist.
in-group a group of people with common interests or attitudes who tend to exclude those with different interests or attitudes.
interest group an organized group of individuals working together for a common cause, often formed to influence public policy or support the rights of a specific segment of the population.
peer group a group of people of about the same age, social status, political affiliation, or the like, regarded as forming a sociological group sharing a common set of values.
pressure group any special-interest group that tries to influence government officials and legislation through publicity, lobbying, or the like.
splinter group a small group that separates from or acts apart from a larger group such as a political party or church.