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art room a room in a school where art is taught and where art materials are kept.
dining room a room in a home or hotel where meals are eaten.
family room a large room in which a family gets together to relax, talk, or play games.
ladies' room a public restroom for women and girls.
laundry room a room in a home or institution where clothes and linens are washed and usually dried.
living room a room in a home in which people can relax or gather together. The living room usually has a couch and comfortable chairs.
locker room a room containing lockers for storing clothes and equipment and often used for changing clothes, as at a gymnasium or pool.
men's room a room in a public place where men and boys can use a sink and toilet.
music room in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept.
waiting room a room provided in a doctor's office, train station, or the like, in which persons may wait.