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Alaska Standard Time the standard time used in most of Alaska, nine hours behind Greenwich time.
American Standard Version an American revision of the King James Version of the Bible, taken primarily from the earlier Revised Version and published in 1901; American Revised Version.
Atlantic Standard Time the standard time used in the western Atlantic and the easternmost parts of Canada, four hours behind Greenwich time.
Central Standard Time the standard time used in the central region of the United States, six hours behind Greenwich time.
double standard any standard set of principles or code of behavior applied in such a way that one group is favored over another, such as men over women or whites over blacks.
Eastern Standard Time the standard time used in the eastern region of the United States, five hours behind Greenwich time.
gold standard a monetary system in which a set amount of gold is established as the measure of the value of the currency.
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time the standard time used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands, ten hours behind Greenwich time.
Mountain Standard Time the standard time used in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, seven hours behind Greenwich time.
Pacific Standard Time the standard time used in the Pacific Coast region of the United States, eight hours behind Greenwich time.
Received Standard English as spoken and pronounced by those educated in British public schools and at Oxford and Cambridge universities; upper-class British English.
Revised Standard Version the most widely accepted modern English translation of the Bible, based on Hebrew and Greek texts and used mainly by Protestants.
Samoa Standard Time the standard time used in the time zone of the Pacific that includes Samoa, eleven hours behind Greenwich time.
silver standard a monetary system in which a designated amount of silver comprises the redemption value of the basic currency unit.
single standard a single set of rules or ethics that apply to all individuals, such as a moral code for both men and women. (Cf. double standard.) [2 definitions]
standard deviation a statistical measure of how widely the individual items in a distribution differ from the mean.
standard gauge a standard width of 56.5 inches or 43.5 centimeters between the rails of a railroad track. (Cf. broad gauge, narrow gauge.) [2 definitions]
standard of living the level of necessities and comforts of daily life that is available to and affordable by a nation, group, or individual.
standard time the time officially designated in any of the world's twenty-four time zones, which is based for the most part on that zone's distance from the Greenwich meridian.
standard-bearer someone who serves as the chief representative of an organization such as a political party. [2 definitions]