Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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arcade a covered passageway that has shops or places to play video or other games along the sides.
degradation the act or process of bringing down or lowering in character or moral purpose.
degrade to bring down from a higher to a lower rank or degree by taking away a position or title.
disrupt to disturb or cause confusion in.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government.
eligible qualified for something; in a position to be chosen.
heartland a central land area, especially one considered to be economically, politically, or militarily vital to a nation or region.
investment that which is invested.
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion.
narrative a story, description, or account of events.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
simplicity the condition or quality of being easy to understand or do.
somewhat in some measure, degree, or proportion; rather.
supposedly according to what is believed or said to be true but has not been proven.
viewpoint an opinion.