Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly.
concrete a hard, strong building material made by mixing sand, gravel, cement, and water.
crutch a support used to help injured people walk. A crutch is a pole with a padded top that rests under the arm.
deposit money that has been put in a bank, or anything that has been put somewhere and allowed to remain.
detest to have a strong dislike for; hate.
especially more than usually; to a great degree.
inherit to receive from a person who has died; be heir to.
jab to poke with a pointed object.
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
necessity a person or thing that is needed.
outward on or moving toward the outside or surface of.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
slang very informal speech that is made up of new words, or new meanings of old words. Slang is not appropriate for serious conversation or writing.
transform to change the form, look, or shape of.
whittle to cut small bits or thin layers from, or to trim or shape by so doing.